Glenn Haley (South China Morning Post, March 14), like other correspondents (Filipino or not) who have criticised me, have had to admit my letters have 'many well-argued points'.
They dislike my 'arrogance' obviously because the truth hurts. None has been able to refute any of my points, accurate and put plainly.
I have always called a spade a spade and do not believe in being 'politically correct' just because it is in fashion.
I am bitter because my family and many other Chinese-Filipinos have had bad experiences in the Philippines. I think this entitles me to 'tell it like it is', especially since the world has learned that though Filipinos are a charming people, they cannot always be taken seriously.
This is probably because theirs is, in the words of American writer James Fallows, 'a damaged culture'. Sad to say, this has produced a mixed-up syndrome affecting too many aspects of Philippine life.
As for Mr Haley's jibe about my 'requirements' for an ideal country to live in, all I ask for is some law and order, trustworthy citizens and a society that does not confuse myth with reality. Is that a tall order? JOANNA TUNG Mid-Levels