
Survival Skills for MBA Exams

Business school is often overwhelming; MBA students are stressed out, exhausted, and doing everything possible to learn everything they need to know to have a successful career after graduation. Final exams have a way of making otherwise prepared MBA students feel lost in a sea of information. Nearly every MBA student feels the weight of course demands and career anxieties. Now is the time to take advantage of discovering the best personal stress relief methods. Surviving MBA final exams isn’t about learning just what to learn from MBA programs, but finding the balance between getting everything done on time and not being overworked. These tips will give students the survival skills for MBA exams.

Pick a good study space. Although it would be ideal for MBA students to study in their room in sweats with snacks nearby, living with roommates can make it hard to focus. MBA students need to make sure they pick a study space that is quiet and free of distractions, whether that’s a café or a quiet corner of the library.

Study with friends. Studying with friends who have different expertise is a great way of understanding difficult material. It also gives each student a chance to teach one another, thus, further cementing the lessons. Take advantage of study groups and participate with them as often as you can throughout the year.

Plan study bime. It is important to make a study schedule, keeping in mind how many exams need to be studied for and how much study time needs to be spent on each one. This way, it’s easier to focus on one project at a time and avoid becoming overwhelmed. Try having all deadlines and exam dates on a calendar with appropriate reminders and specific task lists for each item.

Take breaks. Studying for hours without a break is a recipe for disaster. It’s imperative for students to give their mind a rest, even for just 20 or 30 minutes, to keep from getting overworked and losing sanity. Take a walk, eat a healthy snack, or talk to a friend - anything to take a small break from studying. Stepping away from the textbooks and case studies will actually refresh the brain into focusing on what to learn from MBA programs better.

Eat healthy. It can be tempting for MBA students to turn to junk food when bogged down with studying, but greasy pizza and fast food are only going to encourage lethargy. Instead, munch on naturally energizing foods, like a protein bar or fresh fruit. Eating the right amount of protein will provide the energy needed to power through a library study session.

Get plenty of sleep.  Although many MBA students spend finals week studying at the library until the wee hours of the morning, sacrificing sleep is never a good idea. Your brain needs rest. It is more difficult to focus and absorb information when the brain is exhausted.

What’s done is done. MBA students need to remember not to obsess over finished exams or compare answers with other students. It is best to move onto the next task and worry about the grades when they come in. It’s important for MBA students to keep in mind that every course during an MBA program is a chance to build a relationship that could last a lifetime. If students get so wrapped up in final grades, they may not recognize the need to celebrate and solidify the relationships they’ve built during a tough semester.

In the end, what’s more important than what to learn from MBA programs is how you learn. Above all, it is crucial for MBA students to remain calm and collected during final exams. It may feel stressful, but if MBA students maintain a routine and keep moving forward, exams will be a breeze. As one MBA pointed out: finals aren’t any more stressful than the rest of the semester. In fact, it can be less stressful because classes are over and the only thing to worry about are finals. Prioritize exams in order of importance and just keep chipping away at studying. MBA final exams are not going to be easy, but the above tips will help ensure survival.


*Image courtesy of federico stevanin /
