
PLA quick to teach against fast living

May Hon

People's Liberation Army soldiers to be stationed in Hong Kong will be given lessons on 'the dangers of fast women and fast money', a military expert revealed yesterday.

Troops coming to the territory will also undergo 'political indoctrination' courses and be warned off mixing with foreigners.

Details of the classes follow news Hong Kong's future PLA leader is priming soldiers with a politics course, 'Revolutionary Life Philosophy'. Major-General Liu Zhenwu, on his first visit to the territory, is also preparing a study programme called 'The Pursuit of Life Values for Revolutionary Warriors'.

A leading defence expert said classes on political indoctrination were a normal part of training for PLA soldiers.

'They will read the works of Deng Xiaoping and learn about discipline and loyalty to the party,' he said. 'The classes are primarily to define and ensure their political correctness.

'Aspects include how to restrain yourself from decadent behaviour' and courses 'warning soldiers against the dangers of fast women and fast money'.

Beijing has already said the future garrison, numbering 9,000 to 10,000 soldiers, will receive lessons on the Basic Law and Hong Kong life.

But the military expert said they would also be instructed on the risks of democracy, foreigners and negative political influences.

'The soldiers will be told not to accept gifts and will have to report any contact with foreigners,' he said.

General Liu was yesterday confident Hong Kong people would accept PLA troops. 'We've taken practical steps to show the PLA is a civilised army,' he said.
