IN a city renowned for its business expertise, it is no wonder that Hongkong is home to an ever-increasing number of management development consultancies.
But with such a broad selection, how does a company decide which consultancy is appropriate? Is there really a ''correct'' and ''effective'' method of management which is applicable to the business world? Must this method be taught or is it common sense? According to the Management Development Centre (MDC) of Hongkong, the answer to these questions depends on the type of business involved.
Set up by the Vocational Training Council in 1984, the MDC is a non-profit management development centre that understands the many and continually changing needs of Hongkong managers.
Each company has personal needs and generic management answers can be a waste of time.
In addition to the extensive diversity among companies, Hongkong is a special place and management needs differ from those in Europe or the United States, for example.
In an effort to comply with the variety of management issues, the MDC focuses a lot of attention on research, ensuring it is capable of meeting constantly changing needs, both in the short-and long-term.