Best-selling Canto-pop singer Cass Phang Ling is a personification of goodness. She has an angelic voice, a squeaky clean image and is an active promoter of civic education in Hong Kong.
Today, instead of music, Phang wants first to talk about helping the burns victims of the Pat Sin Leng hill fire in February that injured eight and claimed five lives. It is a tragedy the 27-year-old says the territory has already forgotten.
'I feel very frustrated,' says Phang, who visited the remaining four burns victims at the Prince of Wales Hospital recently.
'For two months after the fire, newspapers reported the case every day. Then in the third month, the coverage just stopped as if it had never happened. I feel this is so unfair on the children.
'The burns victims will have to cope with the mental and physical scars for the rest of their lives.
'I know there are more operations to come for them and that will involve a lot of money.