OPERATION Desert Storm cost millions of dollars, so that Kuwait could be freed from Saddam Hussein.
Since then, there has been a cat and mouse game between the allies and Iraq. Saddam is laughing at the West and in the eyes of Muslims he is the real winner.
Every inspection team that enters Iraq leaves and says the same thing, ''We have destroyed all Iraq's capability of military hardware.'' But two months later another team goes in and comes out with the same statement, and teams are to this day doing the same thing.
Saddam is still killing his own people. He has used chemical weapons on his own people as well as on the people of Kuwait.
He caused widespread ecological destruction by releasing millions of gallons of crude oil into the sea and by igniting oil wells.
The duel is not over. Saddam has just stepped back a few paces and continues to test the patience of the coalition. Let's stop messing about once and for all.