Liberal Party leader Allen Lee Peng-fei accused Governor Chris Patten of creating chaos and fear by refusing to co-operate with the provisional legislature.
Seven party members met Mr Patten to submit proposals for inclusion the Governor's policy address. Mr Lee said yesterday that ensuring a successful and smooth transition was the major concern during the 45-minute discussion.
He criticised Mr Patten's reluctance to co-operate with the provisional legislature, saying it would damage the territory's development.
'The formation of the provisional legislature is a reality. It is very unrealistic and unconstructive of him to continue criticising it,' he said. 'It is obvious that he is playing politics and creating great confusion and fear.' The party urged Mr Patten to set up a committee to advise businessmen about Hong Kong-China trade and investment.
'Many investors have faced problems when doing business in China. The committee could strengthen communication with the Chinese side,' he said.