A fashion-conscious crash victim was yesterday awarded more than $1.6 million for the accident that 'restricted her choice of clothes'.
For the rest of her life, Fan Lan-fong, 34, will have to wear trousers and long skirts to conceal her scarred legs.
'You would expect a young woman to like wearing a variety of clothes,' counsel Margaret Ng told the High Court.
'Beachwear, shorts, cocktail dresses and mini-skirts . . . all that has become a closed book to her.' Six years ago, Ms Fan was knocked down by a teenage motorcyclist driving with a learner's licence.
Mr Justice Conrad Seagroatt yesterday awarded her $1,667,805 in damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses and lost income as a result of the accident.
'She has lost the pleasure of dressing to please herself, let alone anyone else,' he said.
Ms Fan broke down in tears as she told the court how the accident had stolen her dreams of having a big family.