S. K. H. Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School 397, Kwai Shing Circuit Kwai Chung, N.T.
SCHOOLS in the New Territories are sometimes seen as academically weaker than those in the urban areas, but this is a misconception that SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School has done much to dispel.
The Kwai Chung-based school hit the headlines when two of its students topped the honour list at public examinations last year.
Science student Yip Chi-chung scored five straight As in the Advanced-level examination, while arts student Lee Wai-shum gained eight distinctions in the HKCEE, sharing the limelight with other outstanding students from elite schools.
Principal Mrs Emily Kwong Ha Wai-chung admitted that schools in the New Territories gave an impression of academic inferiority because they were comparatively new, and enjoyed fewer resources than most urban schools.
But these shortcomings could be overcome by hard work and intensive training, she pointed out.