MORE breath-testing police will be on the streets under a plan to crack down on substantial numbers of drink-drivers and tighten alcohol limits.
The Road Safety Council has endorsed police proposals to lower blood alcohol limits from 0.08 milligrams per 100 milligrams of blood to 0.05 and to boost penalties for those found over the limit.
The Police Traffic Branch said more than 700 of the 10,770 drivers tested since December 1995 - when breath-testing laws were introduced - were found to be over the limit. Another 540 drivers recorded a positive alcohol reading but scraped in below the limit.
Some 300 cases have been prosecuted and another 260 cases are pending investigation or court appearances.
Chief Superintendent (Traffic) Cheung Chi-shum said the figures would require the bolstering of the team of about 1,400 traffic officers who administer breath tests.
'We are looking at the resources situation as there are indications we will need more bodies but we are still studying how much more resources we will need,' Mr Cheung said.