CHIEF executive-designate Tung Chee-hwa marked his first Lunar New Year message by calling for a more depoliticised society after the handover.
Speaking on a pre-recorded video message at his Island Club villa in Deep Water Bay, Mr Tung said society should embrace traditional Chinese values of harmony and friendship and avoid extremities.
'During Lunar New Year, we greet each other with a message of harmony and prosperity. In our traditional Chinese society, we seek harmony and compassion,' he said.
'When we Chinese speak of 'the Doctrine of the Equilibrium' we mean not to go to extremes,' he said.
Politics should also take a back seat to livelihood issues, he added.
'I really hope that after the handover, our society will not be as politicised and we can focus more on livelihood issues such as housing, education and welfare,' he said.