When General Fidel Ramos became President of the Philippines, he drew up a plan which he called Philippines 2000. His plan was to modernise the nation through industrialisation and mechanisation of agriculture.
Banners proclaiming Philippines 2000 were hoisted above schools and in government offices and that is about as far as the campaign has got.
Instead of seeing the country progressing towards this goal, what do we see instead? We see kidnappings, murder, sexual abuse of helpless children by gangsters or even immediate family members. All this is made worse by corruption in the Philippine Armed Forces.
When you alight from your plane at Manila Airport, it is difficult to believe that the country will become one of Asia's economic giants. Where are the landmarks to keep you in touch with civilisation? How can we talk about development, when there are still millions of Filipino women enslaved in foreign households.
The truth of the matter is that, corruption hampers growth.