A unique computer training franchise, which teaches children and teenagers, hopes to take the territory by storm The Fourth R children computer education programme has set up its headquarters in Hong Kong.
Based in Kirkland, Washington, the Fourth R Inc has developed a unique learning environment where students can acquire the 'fourth R' - computer liteRacy during their early learning life, and enhance the three Rs, namely Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic, which are considered fundamental learning skills.
The Fourth R curriculum focuses on appropriate development activities that allow children to progress from understanding computer basics to advanced programmes, including desktop publishing, robotics, the Internet and homepage design.
The curriculum brought to Hong Kong has incorporated language programmes into computer skill development for young children, creating a hands-on learning environment for acquisition of a second language.
Tai Po-tim, vice-president of the Fourth R (Hong Kong) Limited said people confused information access with knowledge, which is the most important ingredient to make computer investments pay off.
She said, 'Some computer learning programmes gave the impression that giving children information is identical to giving them knowledge.