Fortune-telling has become rather a bloody business, it seems. According to the new Apple Daily column, soothsayers are predicting our future via an analysis of blood type. Apparently males with type B blood should avoid blaming colleagues for any mistakes at work, while AB males will find love and affection with the fairer sex - if they take the right attitude. What next? Fortune-telling with hair? bad boy comes good MOVIE bad boy Simon Yam is to tie the knot, says Eastweek. The film star whose recently released album of tastefully snapped nude photos has been a hot seller, apparently proposed more than 30 times before girlfriend KiKi accepted a November wedding. The two have been seeing each other for the past eight years and the would-be bride believes 'they will be together until their hair turns white'. What spurred the proposal? Well, says Yam jokingly, 'she's not very materialistic and doesn't care too much about money ... so she'll be inexpensive to keep'.
dog eat dog IT'S A dog eat dog world says the Oriental Daily News. The newspaper revealed the exploits of one young Sha Tin couple who snitched on someone attempting a break-in on a public housing estate storage room. For their staunch and upright behaviour police considered awarding the pair a good citizen award. That is until someone reported a couple attempting to break into locked vehicles in a housing estate car park. Guess who it was? A search of the couple's flat revealed about $100,000 worth of electronic booty grabbed from about 10 burglaries. Who said anything about honour among thieves.