LEGISLATORS should support the Budget to be released this week, senior Chinese officials said yesterday.
Chen Zou'er , chief Chinese negotiator on the Budget talks, said the Budget was prudent, moderate and would take care of the needs of different sectors of society.
'Concerning welfare spending, both the Chinese and British experts [in the Joint Liaison Group] consider the allocation as matching the current needs of Hong Kong while keeping within the limits of income,' Mr Chen said.
Last year, Mr Chen criticised soaring welfare spending, likening it to an out-of-control racing car.
Yesterday, he defended the criticism. 'An official from the Hong Kong Government at that time said they would like to continue increasing welfare spending by 25 per cent each year. I said if that rate continue for 10 years, then there would be the risk,' he said.
Deputy Director of Xinhua (the New China News Agency) Zhang Junsheng warned legislators to consider the overall stability of Hong Kong.