As someone who used to walk his own dog on Bowen Road, I have tremendous sympathy for those who have lost their dogs to the poisoner and I empathise with those whose walks are spoiled by having to muzzle their dogs and watch their every move.
As your articles on the subject have pointed out, the poisoner has been at large for many years.
It was only since the Pattens became victims that the matter has warranted such media coverage.
I cannot help wondering whether nearly losing their own dog has given the Pattens any greater insight into the suffering of the thousands of housing estate tenants who have not lost their dogs through misfortune. These owners have had to give their consent to the destruction of their dogs, because the Government decided (on a fortnight's notice) to enforce a ban it tacitly waived years ago.
More than 60 dogs, belonging mostly to affluent Mid-Levels residents, have died at the hands of the Bowen Road poisoner.
Thousands have had to be killed because of the cruel and unreasonable actions of the Housing Authority. Why did we not hear from the Pattens back then? STEVEN LEWIS Ap Lei Chau