CINEMA operators will protest to the Legislative Council today about a proposed increase in fines for allowing minors to watch category III films.
The fine increase has been put forward by the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) in the Film Censorship (Amendment) Bill, which is to be gazetted today.
It is proposed the maximum penalty for first and second offenders found guilty of allowing minors into category III films be increased from $10,000 to $50,000. The current fine for subsequent offences - $100,000 - should remain, says TELA.
The Hongkong Theatres Association argues that the existing fine has proved an adequate deterrent; there have been only 21 prosecutions since the penalty was set in November 1988.
It also considers it unfair that the responsibility for under-18s being stopped from seeing adult-only films falls on the cinemas.
A senior TELA administration officer with the film division, Mr Alan Siu Yu-bun, said the deterrent effect of the 1988-set fines had been ''eroded by inflation''.
''A Legislative Council ad hoc committee recommended the fines should be increased to act as a sufficient deterrent for cinema operators to stop access for minors,'' Mr Siu said.