Provisional legislature president Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai will meet Vice-Premier and Preparatory Committee chairman Qian Qichen today for the first time in her capacity as the body's leader.
Mrs Fan expects the agenda to centre on provisional legislature business.
Relations between the legislature and the Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government were unlikely to be discussed. Mrs Fan is in Beijing for the committee's first SAR legislature sub-group meeting.
In Hong Kong, Preparatory Committee member Cheng Yiu-tong said arrangements for the first legislature's election should not be left to the post-handover government. Some post-handover executive councillors have suggested the committee allow greater flexibility for the SAR government to act.
The Preparatory Committee Secretariat has listed 14 choices for the nine new functional constituencies. They were most often mentioned in a month-long consultation in Hong Kong, it said.
They are the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association; sport, performing arts and culture; traditional Chinese medicine; tertiary education; information and technology; and communication and publishing. The other eight were represented in the 1995 election: labour; agriculture and fisheries; import/export; insurance; knitting and garment; hotel, food and beverage; navigation and transport; wholesale and retail.