Chief Secretary Anson Chan Fang On-sang has called on people to mind their own business and not to try to interfere with China's systems.
She said that was the best way to guarantee the autonomy promised for Hong Kong after July 1.
'We cannot expect China to keep its nose out of our system if we stick our noses into theirs,' Mrs Chan said.
She said that Chinese leaders had 'some justification' in feeling that Hong Kong people remembered the 'one country, two systems' maxim when it suited them, but then 'conveniently forget this rule whenever we want to intrude into their system'.
'If we enjoy human rights or democracy and believe in these values, then it is only natural for you to wish your compatriots on the mainland had similar rights,' she said.
'But we put our own autonomy at risk if we lead China's leaders to believe we are trying to undermine their system.
'You can be sure China will clamp down hard if it suspects we are allowing Hong Kong to be used as a base for subversive activities.