This is the speech by Tung Chee-hwa at the SAR Establishment Ceremony.
President Jiang, distinguished state leaders, honoured guests, fellow Hong Kong citizens and friends.
Today is a momentous day for China. Today is a joyous day for all Chinese people. July 1, 1997, marks the return of Hong Kong to China after a long separation. It marks the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. In the midnight hours behind us, China officially resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong; the Hong Kong SAR was sworn in by the Central People's Government. In peace and solemnity, Hong Kong opens a new chapter in its history.
As Hong Kong proudly strides into the new era with a new identity, our thoughts and remembrance go, with great reverence, to the late Deng Xiaoping.
There was a time in the early 1980s when Hong Kong people became increasingly concerned about the uncertainties surrounding 1997. Despite rapid economic growth, the mood in Hong Kong remained apprehensive due to the lack of a clear direction on the future. Mr Deng stepped forward decisively and created a blueprint for Hong Kong after 1997, under the imaginative concept of 'one country, two systems' and taking into account the fundamental interests of China and the Chinese people as a whole. The concept, widely accepted by all parties concerned, resolved the uncertainties over Hong Kong's future.
Today, I am particularly pleased that Zhuo Lin can be here to take part in activities to mark Hong Kong's reunification with China. We express our respect and warm welcome to Madam Zhuo.
We should express our gratitude to President Jiang Zemin and the entire leadership in China. During the sometimes turbulent transitional period, they have worked tirelessly to smooth the path leading up to the handover, lay the groundwork for a better Hong Kong, and ensure a smooth and successful transition. This is a remarkable achievement.