On June 23, at around 8am the police retrieved a body from the Rambler Channel near Tsing Yi Ferry Pier and laid the corpse on plastic sheeting on the seawall.
They cordoned off the area with blue 'police' tape and, after examination, they removed the corpse, leaving behind the blue tape, the plastic sheeting and rubber forensic gloves.
I passed the area daily last week and at 4pm on June 26, the blue tape, the plastic sheet and the rubber gloves were still there.
On a recent walk over the Tsing Yi hills I noticed that blue police tape still remains tied to many bushes, presumably remaining after security measures taken during the Thatcher visit.
The same tape can also be seen in various places on Castle Peak Road.
On my way home from work after the holiday, I expect I shall see the usual group of police officers at the Tsing Yi South Bridge roundabout waiting for their daily quota of erring motorists who fail to see the 'no right turn' sign. They wait after the sign rather than at a location which would help motorists avoid the mistake. Who would expect anything else? It would seem that the police are more versed in the merits of 'loitering' rather than in the demerits of 'littering'.