Further to our reply of August 9, in these columns, to your reader's comments (South China Morning Post, August 5) on the Beijing-Kowloon through-train service, we have discussed the matter with our Chinese counterpart, the Beijing Railway Administration and obtained its assurance that every effort will be made to improve the service.
The administration intends to strengthen the training for attendants to enhance their proficiency in Cantonese and English. Train announcements will also be amended to include a Cantonese version.
To prevent the berths from being double-booked, new measures regarding the sale of tickets have been drawn up and will be implemented as soon as the necessary equipment is available.
We would like to thank your reader once again for bringing the matter to our attention. We shall continue to work closely with the Beijing Railway Administration in order to provide through-train passengers with the best possible service.
TRACY LAI Public Affairs Manager East Rail Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation