MILITARY chief General Liu Huaqing hailed President Jiang Zemin's plan to slash the armed forces by 500,000 in the next three years.
Sources said General Liu had long been fiercely opposed to such huge cuts.
However, the cutback was a 'major measure to improve the quality of the People's Liberation Army', General Liu, senior vice-chairman of the party's Central Military Commission and one of seven members of the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee, yesterday told army delegates in a panel discussion.
'It is an important part of Deng Xiaoping's thinking on army building in the new period to improve the quality of the Chinese Army and take the road of fewer but better troops.
'This is a correct choice to materialise the modernisation of armed forces,' Xinhua quoted General Liu as saying.
He gave his formal approval to the plan by saying that such a move would better prepare the Army for modern warfare.