Sympathetic chief makes no promises to provisional legislature
Provisional legislature members yesterday failed to extract any firm promises of financial assistance from Tung Chee-hwa during a question-and-answer session following Wednesday's inaugural policy address.
Travel industry representative and Liberal Party member Howard Young was the bluntest, when he asked, 'In view of the drop in tourism income, would you consider ways to rescue the industry in the short term?' Mr Young suggested the Government move quickly to produce film footage to help promote post-handover Hong Kong as a tourist destination overseas.
While expressing concern for the drop in visitor numbers, Mr Tung suggested the industry should observe free market principles in seeking a solution.
'The crucial and best solution is for the industry to review the price [of tours],' he said.
A disgruntled Mr Young replied the Travel Industry Council would discuss the possibility of cutting prices at its own meeting.
Shipping representative Yuen Mo and manufacturing advocate Sophie Leung Lau Yau-fun sought to have more Government resources deployed to assist their industries.
A sympathetic Mr Tung acknowledged their concerns, and he told Mrs Leung: 'The problem lies with competitiveness.