It makes me angry when Hong Kong's Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa, misuses the term 'Hong Kong people'.
When he visited the US, he was challenged by many senators about his format for next year's elections. Whenever he was challenged, Mr Tung would simply say that it is Hong Kong's affair and should be decided by Hong Kong people.
Excuse me, Mr Tung, I did not vote for you to be Chief Executive of Hong Kong, nor would I have, had I been given the opportunity to cast my vote.
Since when have 'Hong Kong people' been given the chance to decide anything? Also, it makes me angry that he always uses the term 'we, Hong Kong people'.
I was born and raised in Hong Kong, but I do not feel that he speaks for me.
Many people who I know and with whom I work dislike Mr Tung. Does that mean that we who dislike you are not Hong Kong people, Mr Tung? Mr Tung also said, 'Those who do not believe us now will believe us later, because Hong Kong will be better tomorrow.' Who does he mean by 'us'? Certainly not me. Hong Kong will be better only if it has a leader elected by Hong Kong voters.