Executives with the forthcoming worldwide edition of Forbes have spoken of the new venture's commitment to press freedom.
Asia is one of the key target areas when the publication, an edition of the New York-based fortnightly business magazine, is launched next March.
Former United States secretary of defence Casper Weinberger, who is now chairman of Forbes, said: 'We would publish what we considered was the right thing to publish and, if it were to be censored, the world would know about it quite quickly. It would be counter- productive for anyone attempting censorship.
'We're starting the magazine because we think there is no way now that American businesses or any business can exist without expanding into overseas markets beyond its own borders.' Lawrence Minard, the global edition's editor, said the content would be similar to the US version of Forbes but with some articles reworked for maximum relevance to a global audience.
'We will still have the same philosophical beliefs that have made the product successful in the US but it will be edited specifically and actively for a global audience,' he said.
The magazine has a guaranteed circulation of 50,000 for its first edition. Europe and Asia will each receive about 40 per cent of the copies for distribution. The company has forecast it can increase circulation to 100,000 within three years.