
Unseen presence

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They came, stayed for a time and then left - having caught barely a glimpse of Hong Kong during their 4.5 months here. The 1,000 members of the PLA garrison who returned to the mainland for demobilisation this week almost certainly saw far more of Hong Kong on the television sets in their mess halls than in real life.


Other than their rainswept journey into the newly-established SAR in the early hours of July 1, and a more ceremonial return to Shenzhen on Tuesday, the soldiers have been mostly confined to barracks for the duration of their stay. That was what the community had always hoped for. Indeed, the ultra low-profile adopted by the PLA since its arrival has exceeded all expectations. Their absence from the streets of the SAR has been one of the most reassuring symbols of business as usual in post-colonial Hong Kong, particularly after the ominous warnings from some quarters that preceded their arrival.

However, it would be a further sign of confidence on both sides if they were not cloistered away quite so much as has been the case so far. There is great curiosity in the community about the PLA soldiers hidden away behind barracks walls. And it is only possible to speculate on how equally curious these soldiers must be about the city which surrounds them.

The SAR did catch a brief glimpse of the garrison during an open day at two PLA facilities on October 1. But, so far, the soldiers have been denied a similar glimpse of Hong Kong. That is something which should begin to change in the coming months, if promised trips to local tourist spots are arranged for members of the garrison.

The soldiers who returned to Shenzhen this week were volunteers. Many are university students or children of party officials, who may one day rise to positions of influence. It is in everyone's interest that they be allowed to see more of the SAR, so long as they remain a background presence.

