I wish to draw the attention of your readers to the grave plight facing the Hong Kong Players. We are a community theatre group, one of whose aims is to promote English language drama in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Players and its predecessors have been active in pursuing this objective in Hong Kong for nearly 50 years.
One of our most visible productions is the annual staging of the Christmas pantomime which has brought enjoyment to thousands of children and their parents over the years. Our current pantomime, Cinderella is presently playing to capacity houses at the Shouson Theatre. Sadly, it is possible that this is the last pantomime which we will be able to stage.
As readers will know, Hong Kong is a very expensive place in which to live and work. The Hong Kong Players has, to a certain extent, been insulated from these costs by being lucky to occupy government premises in High Street, Western. This is a building that is, by and large, derelict and really fit for no other purpose but one which has served us well. We are deeply appreciative to the Hong Kong Government for this concession which has enabled us to conduct rehearsals at liberty and at small cost.
However, all good things must come to an end and our present club premises are now scheduled for redevelopment next year.
We must now find an alternative venue in which to hold auditions, rehearsals and construct and paint scenery.