MORE bird flu victims should be expected in the next few weeks, an expert from the World Health Organisation warned yesterday.
Dr Daniel Lavanchy, head of the WHO's influenza surveillance programme, said preliminary results of medical investigations would be ready next week.
Hong Kong University and the St Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis in the United States are due to begin testing other animals, besides chickens, to trace the virus. The results will be available by the end of next month.
Dr Lavanchy said surveillance in 110 influenza centres in 82 countries would also be stepped up.
'Surveillance has been increased in southern China. No virus has been found so far,' he said.
Dr Lavanchy, who arrived in Hong Kong on Friday as the number of confirmed victims rose to eight, plus two suspected cases, said: 'The situation as of today is safe in Hong Kong. There is no need for unnecessary anxiety.