If you have leftover champagne or sparkling wine that has lost its fizz, do not despair, because there are several ways to use it up.
Champagne sorbet is refreshing: you can serve it as an intermezzo - a sorbet that clears the palate between courses - or as a dessert.
Make the syrup first and let it cool before using.
Champagne Sorbet 225 grams castor sugar 1.5 cups water 1.5 cups champagne or sparkling wine Fresh lemon juice, to taste Mix sugar syrup and champagne and freeze in an ice-cream machine.
Champagne sabayon (or zabaglione, in Italian) can be made with any wine (marsala is traditional), or even liqueurs (Grand Marnier is good). It can be served hot or chilled.
When making the sauce, you need a wire whisk - no other tool will do. Do not cook it over direct heat; use a double boiler - a pan of simmering water on the bottom, with a bowl or pan that fits inside. Make sure the simmering water is not touching the bottom of the bowl, or the mixture will cook too quickly, which will scramble the eggs.