The road-widening project by the Highways Department at Stubbs Road, in the vicinity of Evergreen Villa, needs special mention as far as its completion date is concerned.
Initially, on the sign board, the completion date was fixed at June 1997. This date was later changed to December 31. Lately, the date has been put forward to January 20. To my surprise, I recently noticed the completion date has, once again, been changed - to Janauary 26.
Maybe the Highways Department has many reasons for such changes of dates taking place. I wonder who is responsible for fixing the completion date. He or she seems to be off target too many times and too often. I would also like to know if taxpayers have to pay more due to the many changes to the completion date.
The other point of concern about this project is the fact that the traffic control lights which operate at night have on various occasions failed to function, at times on both sides and at others on one side, giving rise to possible collisions between vehicles.