PRIVATE banker Hill Samuel is turning its attention to independent financial advice via a newly formed financial services division.
The new division will help both existing and new clients to develop broader financial plans.
In doing so, the bank hopes to improve what it believes is the somewhat tarnished image of financial advisers in Hongkong.
This not only involves linking through the bank's existing departments to make available discretionary fund management and trust and treasury services, but will covers protection and savings services in conjunction with leading life assurance offices andother investment houses.
According to Mr Barry Lea, Hill Samuel's regional director of financial services and marketing, the creation of a financial services division was a logical, complementary extension to the bank's existing services.
''Clients will have access to wide-ranging and impartial financial planning advice under a single roof,'' he said.
Mr Lea said that, unlike many other financial advisers, it was not Hill Samuel's intention to become ''tied'' with a particular life company or investment house.