In the past, parents arranged the marriage of their children, even choosing their partners.
Under this system the divorce rate was very low, although the partner may not have been the 'true love'.
However, the traditional system of arranged marriage was gradually replaced by the modern-style marriage, marrying for love, where people did not need to listen to their parents.
From the viewpoint of individual freedom and human rights, the new system seems to be better and more reasonable than the old one. Nevertheless, the divorce rate is rising.
Some people believe the new system is to blame and think it would be better to return to the old system. But are they right? In the past there was no industry or development and education was not so popular. People believed in traditional ideas which emphasised the importance of their parents.
They would not resist even if they were forced to marry someone they did not love.
Also, men were superior while women were inferior. Men could marry many women while women had to be loyal to one husband.