A 'Travel Cafe' has been organised in Hong Kong aimed at independent travellers, and will be focusing on Nepal and Tibet when it meets this Friday evening at the China Tee Club in Pedder Street, Central.
Monin Ung, who founded the club, tells us the guest speakers will be Charlotte Howard, manager of the Tibetan Gallery, Deepak Bohara Thapa, a Nepal tour specialist and Amkiki, a former Tibetan monk, who was featured in this newspaper recently. He now runs a bar in the SAR. There will also be a photograph exhibition.
'We aim to educate the more discerning as to culture, history, geography, landscape,' said Ms Ung.
'The idea [of launching Travel Cafe] also stemmed from the fact that there is a distinct lack of information for the independent traveller in Hong Kong.' This is the Travel Cafe's second event, and places are limited to 50. Payment in advance is $200, or $250 at the door. Call Ms Ung for more information at 91007093 after 6 pm for more details.
Extended deal Cathay Pacific has extended its 'Hong Kong Free Stopover' scheme which offers passengers a free night in leading hotels when they travel through the SAR with the airline. The offer was to have expired on June 30, but it will now continue until September 15.
In addition to a free night, passengers are given discount rates for any subsequent nights they stay in Hong Kong.