As the lyrics to his hit single go, who wants to know Jimmy Ray? Well, apparently thousands of hysterical teenage girls, that's who.
In town for a short performance at Manhattan-Westworld, Jimmy says he has always been fascinated with Americana, the source of his influences.
'I am a big fan of people like Eddie Cochrane, Chuck Berry and, of course, Elvis.' Although he was born and raised in London, Jimmy would 'love to move to LA and do the Beverly Hills thing'.
His dream may come true if sales of his single and debut album are anything to go by. Are you Jimmy Ray? reached No 13 in the US and British charts and his album Jimmy Ray has so far sold more than half a million copies.
Starting off in a school band, Jimmy then went on to do the London circuit.
'I was in a band called AV and we were signed up to Sony Records and recorded an album but we split up before it could be released.' With the trademark greased Elvis quiff, a well-honed Fifties image, Jimmy says his interest in fashion is limited.