Sha Tin residents suffering sleepless nights under the Chek Lap Kok flight path yesterday urged Civil Aviation Department officials to make pilots fly higher.
While some groups called on the Government to compensate those affected, the residents said money alone would not satisfy them.
'I don't want money. What I need is a quiet living place and it could not be compensated in money terms,' said Wong Lee Wai-chee who has lived in Sha Tin's Mei Lam Estate for about 10 years.
'Now I don't even want to stay at home during weekends because I'm so disturbed at night. I can't sleep,' she said.
Residents claimed officials who said the noise was not as bad as at Kowloon City in the Kai Tak days were trivialising the issue.
'If I had known the noise level in advance, at least I would have had the chance to refuse the offer by the Housing Department to live here. I would have picked one of the unaffected districts instead,' said Mrs Wong.