Every now and then, we read about fresh attempts to improve our education system. Yet, in spite of all the Government's endeavours, parents who can afford to, send their children abroad for further studies. Abroad, they argue that the children face less pressure, have broader exposure, and can improve their language proficiency.
I am an adult, a teacher, and a right-minded person who feels our education system is not going to improve. There are just too many vested interests involved. Neither the Education Department, local teachers nor students with good grades would want to change, because it would be against their interests. This is not a conspiracy theory but cold reality. The small steps taken by educators are mere pretences to calm down the public and buy time.
The result is an increasing inequality. Poor local students have to go through years of bad education and their creativity and learning potential is ignored and wasted. A revolution is required, not just window-dressing surveys or discussions.
The system is fundamentally flawed.