A Madagascar-born singer is hoping that Hong Kong will provide the stepping stone to international success. Robison Nogabe Randriaharimalala - or simply Nogabe - brings reggae music from the Indian Ocean island in his debut solo album, Third World Gentleman, which will be released next month.
Nogabe is not new to many jazz and reggae fans in Hong Kong.
'I was born in Madagascar, but I left for Beijing when I was 16. People in Madagascar are surprised when they hear my songs on the radio. My big dream is to perform in my native country,' he said.
Nogabe began playing musical instruments at a very early age, start ing with the guitar and African thumb piano. He draws much inspiration from his grandfather, a church minister who had a talent for the piano and violin.
Nogabe's father was also musically inclined, having bought all the instruments - guitars, drums, keyboards, saxophones - and formed his own band.
'They practised at home every Sunday and I used to watch and play with them. I was fascinated by people playing the guitar and drums when I was eight. I went from guitar to drums, piano, keyboards, and saxophones.
'I became a drummer in my father's band during my early teens. Then I formed the first reggae band in Beijing when my family moved to China in the mid-70s.