YOU have to feel sorry for our glorious leader Tung Chee-hwa. I mean, none of the awful things that have recently happened to Hong Kong have been his fault. Last week, with the stock market crashing around our ears, I suddenly realised whom he reminded me of.
The recent history of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong is remarkably similar to that of the protagonist of the 18th volume of the Jewish scriptures, which is - as you know - The Book Of Job.
So be upstanding please for the reading of the Holy Scriptures, Reviled Hong Kong Version.
1. And it came to pass that in the land which is called SAR, there came a man whose name was Tung.
2. And he was a kind old man with the requisite whitish hair, and he smileth for the cameras with great skill.
3. And Uncle Tung was upright and blameless, excepteth for a little awkwardness with the stock exchange over a financial transfer involving a shipping company he used to run but that was on record a long time ago and no one dareth to mention it now.