TRANSPORT experts say the pace of infrastructure is slipping, despite last year's promises, and projects must be fast-tracked to ensure Hong Kong retains its competitive edge.
The planning and construction of highways and rail links were a top priority for the Chief Executive, to allow for his ambitious housing scheme and to fuel economic growth.
But Legco's transport panel members warn Tung Chee-hwa's target of 85,000 flats a year will remain unreachable without massive infrastructure projects.
There was also an urgent need to improve cross-border links to keep pace with the economically booming southern provinces.
In last year's Policy Address, Mr Tung pledged to spend about $25 billion on new roads and railways in the next five years and another $710 million on road maintenance.
Panel member Dr Raymond Ho Chung-tai said the pace of development was 'disappointing' and unable to meet the demands of a growing population, despite the opening of the new airport and its extensive road and rail links.