cost of living Everything has a price on the increasingly commercialised mainland, including redundancy certificates. Oriental Daily News reports that as workers are laid off the Government issues the non-transferable certificates, giving them discounts at certain stores. Certificate-holders are also exempt from some taxes if they have enough capital to set up their own businesses, and pay less rent if they are living in state-owned apartments. But some of the unemployed lend the certificates to their relatives, and gradually a black market has developed. Certificates can be bought for 4,000 yuan or borrowed for 50 yuan a month.
interesting times In the economic downturn, the Chinese entertainment press has been closely observing the changing fortunes of local stars. Sudden Weekly says pop idol Jacky Cheung has made a huge loss on a luxury house at Island View. It reports that Cheung bought the mansion, complete with garden and three parking spots, last year for $60 million - when its market value was $80 million. He thought he had struck a good deal and planned to sell when the market improved.
Now, unable to find a buyer, he is renting the house out for $120,000 a month - but paying a monthly mortgage of $460,000. The magazine has done some calculations, and says if Cheung had put the $60 million in the bank he could have enjoyed interest of $370,000 a month.
'military' action A man claiming to be a retired PLA soldier cheated survivors of the Yangtze floods out of money distributed to them, reports Oriental Daily News. It says the man appeared in Cili, Hunan province, in a PLA uniform claiming he was looking for labourers to work on the 'South China Airport' in Zhuhai. He promised a monthly salary of 1,800 yuan, and housing and food, but demanded 300 yuan deposit from each applicant.
To win the victims' trust, he claimed to have been with the army for six years and that his godfather was a general. Desperate for work, many sold all they had left to raise the money. But when 30 villagers arrived in Zhuhai after a day's bus ride, the 'ex-soldier' was nowhere to be found.
food of love The perfect way to choose a partner is according to their favourite food, says Oriental Sunday. It says women who like siumai and carrot cake are mostly frugal and traditional, but lousy lovers who come up with no surprises in bed. Men who like buns with barbecue pork are often playboys who want to move on to the next target - and are perfect for women who love Chinese sausage rolls.