More than $1 million in prizes is up for grabs in a Web-design competition for young people.
The contest has been launched in a move to boost understanding of the SAR's economy and to cultivate information technology (IT) skills among youngsters.
'The services sector contributes more than 80 per cent of our gross domestic product,' said Mike Rowse, director of the Business and Services Promotion Unit of the Financial Secretary's Office.
'We need to enhance the understanding of the general public about the importance of the services sector to our economy so that they can make informed decisions about their own careers and business plans.
'Taking a long-term view, greater understanding by our young people aged 25 and below is particularly important and that is why the competition is dedicated to them.' Jointly organised by the unit and the South China Morning Post, the competition has three categories: primary schools, secondary schools and an open group for those up to 25 years of age.
'Our involvement in this competition is a natural extension of our involvement with education in Hong Kong,' Post editor Jonathan Fenby said. 'I'm sure it will arouse widespread interest in Hong Kong.' First prize in the secondary school and open categories will be an all-expenses paid, seven-day trip to California. Winners in the primary school category will receive a computer scanner.