GREENFINGERS Florist is the florist of the fashionable. It was used by Joyce and Loewe during recent fashion shows at the Landmark and has a number of corporate clients. Its Wyndham Street shop is filled with cool, minimalist designs.
Flowers are secondary to the leafy sculptures, and a small fountain and soft music provide gentle, background accompaniment.
It was surprising, therefore, to discover the owner is anything but fashionable.
Ken Chan Hing-yeung is a humble, 40-something scientist with a master's degree in botany, glasses, plain clothes and haircut, and a quiet-spoken manner, who grew up in To Kwa Wan with little exposure to the plant world. His family always had a Christmas tree - his father designed Christmas decorations but the tree was artificial.
'I was very brave to set up something in fact I knew nothing about,' he admitted.
How he came to be both botanist and designer is hard to explain. Perhaps the influence of his father encouraged him to look at design, though Mr Chan cannot say. The love of plants came seemingly out of the blue, when he was in his first year at Chinese University studying biology in preparation for medical school.