Drug laws are poised to be debated by the security panel amid continuing confusion over legality of the Body Shop's hemp-related products.
The cosmetics chain, which voluntarily removed hemp oil-based skincare items from its shelves after the Security Bureau declared they were illegal, flew in its leading chemist from Britain last night.
The move is part of the battle to convince the Government the products cannot be used as drugs.
Legislators Selina Chow Liang Shuk-yee, a Liberal, and Christine Loh Kung-wai of the Citizens Party are supporting debate on dangerous drug laws in the hope of gaining exemption for hemp.
Ms Loh said last night she had sent a written request for a debate to the security panel's head James To Kun-sun and was hoping for a meeting soon with the Narcotics Division, Customs and Excise Department and Justice Department officials.
The controversy arose last Friday when the Security Bureau announced the lip balm, hand cream and soap were illegal under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance.