A cast of 36 children, from 11 schools, and seven adults will stage a rerun of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever next month.
The play, a joint effort between Spider Webb Productions and the American Community Theatre (ACT), was first staged in December 1995 at the Discovery Bay International School.
'There were many tears on our last night, especially coming from the 24 kids in the cast; nobody wanted it to end,' said director Christy Webb-Gibson.
'I vowed that night that I would one day again direct this perfect, well-written show, using an even wider talent base and professional theatre resources,' she said.
'Last spring my company, Spider Webb Productions, in conjunction with ACT, decided to co-produce Pageant . We ran an audition notice in the newspaper and stated that there were parts for adults [seven] and 'kids of all ages' [around 20 parts]. Twenty-two adults and 126 children showed up!' In addition to the young cast on stage, students from various schools are also working behind the scenes.
The production is at the tail- end of the Youth Arts Festival and Webb-Gibson said hopefully this would allow them to get everybody's Christmas celebrations off to a heart-warming and joyous start.