I FULLY share T.M.W. Greening's concern over the possible adverse influence that pornography may have on children (South China Morning Post, April 16).
However my concern does not just stop there. Western feminists have shown that consumers of pornography are always male. To appeal to them, it is usual for pornography to depict scenes of ''above-average'' men inducing women who say no but mean yes to have sex.
If men believe women mean yes when they say no, where do we draw the line between rape and persuaded-but-willing intercourse? If men believe women's sexual pleasure will override their original refusal/non-consent, when will we have a more equal relationship between the two sexes? T.M.W. Greening was worried about the effect pornography has on children. What worries me is what else may be going on: date-rape, forced sex, if not rape, by husbands, domestic violence and incest.