With redirects, you can simply set up your mail client so that some of your messages (based on criteria you set) or all of them can be redirected to an e-mail address - or addresses - of your choice.
You can send e-mail to practically any e-mail address in the world from your Hotmail account. This would include whoever is monitoring your mail in Hong Kong. If that person is using your account (to which you would then send e-mail from Hotmail) and you have set up a filter to send all incoming e-mail back to Hotmail, your e-mail will reach your friend but will keep coming back to your Hotmail account.
I have 300-odd e-mails stored in my Netscape Communicator since the birth of my son. As most are congratulatory, I want to print them and store them in a safe place. Can I print them without having to click on each individually? H. THOMAS Sai Kung Eudora and Microsoft Outlook Express allow you to print multiple messages in one go. In your Inbox, you can hold down the Command button and click on the messages you want to print and, when they are all highlighted, print them. To print the contents of your Inbox, click on the top message, scroll to the last message and Shift+click. This will highlight the whole box, which can then be printed. Or hit Command+A in any working area to highlight everything in it.
While you can use Command+A with Netscape, you cannot seem to print everything highlighted. The print command remains inaccessible if more than one e-mail is highlighted.
You could get a free copy of Outlook Express from Microsoft's Web site and import your Netscape messages into it. Go to File, Import, Messages and, in the Select Import Types dialogue box, click on the program from which you want to import e-mail. It lets you choose from Eudora, Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator and Internet Mail and News. Importing from Netscape Navigator requires you clicking on OK and everything happens automatically.