I would appreciate it if someone from the Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong Police or Regional Council could shed light on the regulations governing noise pollution and assembly of people in public places after midnight.
We are residents of Silverstrand and live in an apartment less than 450 metres from the beach. For the past few weeks we have endured sleepless nights due to the careless and selfish attitude of people who abuse a beautiful facility provided by the Government.
Our block of flats faces a public barbecue area where the noise usually carries on until 4am each morning. Most people using the facilities are teenagers. The worst time for us is between midnight and 4am by which time most of these people are drunk and loud. This is when they begin to play games which involve running, screaming and shouting.
When these people do leave in the early hours of the morning, they set off the dogs in the area who bark for an hour. The aftermath is visible in the form of a filthy barbecue area with rubbish thrown into the sea which collects on the beach.
The drama is, however, not over. The mantle is now passed on to the more mature members of the local community.
At 5am a group of swimmers, usually old people, use the beach followed by showers in the open area. These showers are accompanied by shouting matches across the beach and singing. Perhaps the showers should be in an enclosed area? If we had some peace from midnight until 5am this would probably not bother us.