Why does my dog pee a little everywhere he goes? Like their wolf relatives, dogs do this to mark out an area as their territory. When other dogs sniff these spots, they know they have to behave in this dog's area, get out, or fight to stay and be top dog.
Why can the brain keep functioning after the heart has stopped? GEMINI LAI KIT-YING SKH Chan Young Secondary School The brain can only function for a few minutes after the heart stops beat ing. The brain depends on a fresh supply of oxygenated blood to keep going.
If this supply is cut off for more than three minutes or so, as happens with a stroke, the brain will be damaged, sometimes irreparably.
This is why people who have suffered a severe stroke, where a blockage in the blood vessels serving the brain prevents normal blood circulation, often end up partially-paralysed or lose the ability to speak.
The brain can only keep functioning after the heart has stopped if the person is connected to a life-support system.
These machines act as an artificial heart and lungs to keep people alive during and after heart surgery or severe accidents.
Their most important function is to ensure a supply of oxygen to the brain.