I refer to Mike Fletcher's letter (South China Morning Post, April 8) regarding the throwing of beer, cups and jugs at the Rugby Sevens.
I enjoyed the tournament on both the Saturday and the Sunday and actually admired the crowd situation in the south stand. If we were to visit any event of this kind in the UK we would find it very heavily policed, due to necessity, because crowds can become unruly and dangerous. However, I do not think this is the case at our Hong Kong Stadium. I believe the south stand crowd are well behaved and create a good party atmosphere without violence and fighting which is often displayed in other European countries.
The security guys did a good job as far as I am concerned and probably agreed that a bit of harmless beer-throwing was all part of the party spirit.
I was sitting in the west stand with two teenagers of my own having fun in the south stand - good for them. It looked pretty harmless from where I was sitting.
SANDRA WYATT New Territories